Healthy Home Realty with Tori McGee

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Check out my interview on The Good Neighbor Podcast! 🏡

Here are the details:

Starting out as a nutrition specialist in 2008, I never intended to become a real estate agent. But in 2003, I made a conscious decision to remove all chemicals from my family’s life after my young daughter was diagnosed with ADHD.

From that point, my mission was to do whatever I could to help my daughter.

When I began to look for a home to buy in 2013, I quickly realized there was a need for holistic real estate agents.

“No one really cared,” she says. Most traditional real estate agents acted like mold and other toxins were no big deal…

In 2015, I received my Realtor’s license and felt the need to create wellness for homes.

I am a certified Building Biology Advocate & am very excited to use the knowledge and skills I’ve learned to educate others in this increasingly vital area of public health and well-being.

I believe real estate is the next frontier that will be radically transformed by the wellness movement. Our homes, communities and surrounding environment directly affect our daily behaviors and lifestyles, and together these determine up to 80–90 percent of our health outcomes. Since our homes are typically our most important personal investment and expenditure, it is only logical that they should also be an investment in our health and wellbeing.


Wellness Real Estate Podcast with Tori McGee